In 1974, the Korean pastor Yonggi Cho (
Seoul) was urgently called to go home from an elders meeting.
When he arrived there, he found his 5-year-old son dying. At that time, fruit in
Seoul had been poisoned by a deranged person.
 As Cho was called to his son, 30 other children had already died of the poisoning.
 Cho told us at a conference: "I simply did not want to accept the death of my son.
 After hours of intense prayer and crying, he died anyway.
Beside myself, I had to watch him grow cold and stiff, yet I still could not give up.
I told God I will not leave this room until you give my son back. And my son lived!"
Cho's son told his father that he had met Jesus in heaven and that he had seen many dead Christians from Chos church there,
who shouted "Look, here comes the pastor's son!" Jesus told him: "I cannot keep you here, because your father will not let you go, so I'll send you back to him."
The now 26-year-old is a missionary in
Paris and learns French.

Source: David Yonggi Cho, Seoul.
