Earthquake/Maanjäristys usaan ?

Julkaistu 7 06 2009 - 15:55 by

Tämä teksti on Sid Rothin ohjelmasta June 8-12, 2009 jonka voi katsoa tuolta ja myös profetia tarkemmin PDF tiedostona.

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with John Kilpatrick. John, April 2008, you
had a dream. What did God show

JOHN: It was a very stirring dream. I’d never had one that real
before. When I woke up, it stirred me to the
point that I asked my wife to hold me. And I’m a grown man, I’ve never
done that ever before with a dream
of any kind. But I dreamed of an earthquake that took place. It was
shown to me in several stages, and I
won’t go through the details of it. But the Lord showed me that an
earthquake was going to hit in the middle
part of the country right where the New Madrid fault is. And it was so
real that that when the Lord showed
it to me I’d walk by the TV set for several days after that night and
in my mind I couldn’t understand why it
wasn’t on TV.

SID: I can understand that.

JOHN: That’s how real it was. But the Lord was showing me, I believe,
that if we continue to fool with
Jerusalem, and our Secretary of State and our President keeps putting
pressure on Israel to give up land
and to give up Jerusalem for peace, I believe that a major earthquake
is going to strike America.

SID: So what you’re saying is, if we pressure Israel to divide up
their land, our land will be divided.

JOHN: I believe that with all my heart. I’m thoroughly convinced of
it. And it was right in the middle of
the country, and what I saw on there was Indianola, like an old
Spanish map, I saw the word Indianola, and
then I saw it scroll down a little bit southwest and I saw the word
Europa, and that was in Missouri. If you
superimpose the New Madrid fault between Indianola Illinois, and
Europa Missouri, that is basically an
exact replica of the New Madrid fault. I won’t go through the details
of the dream, but it was very, very

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Mutta Aabraham rukoili Jumalaa, ja Jumala paransi Abimelekin ja hänen vaimonsa ja hänen orjattarensa, niin että he synnyttivät lapsia.


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