When God Smiled

Julkaistu 25 09 2016 - 00:31 by

Ronald kävi myös Suomessa ja hänestä oli artikkeli “Hyvä Sanoma” lehdessä.

“Whereas I was blind, now I see” John 9:25
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow!” God has again done the impossible and He has performed it in such a way that people can see and believe in the omnipotence of our Father which is in Heaven.
Ronald can see WITH or WITHOUT his plastic eye. This is not a healing as there is nothing there to heal, but this is a miracle. God has created sight where there is no eye to see with.
God is doing many marvelous things during these last days, trying to save as many as possible out of a lost and dying world. He is not willing that any should perish and through this miracle we have seen many give their hearts to Him. Wei have seen them turn their faith loose to be healed of many diseases and afflictions.
It should make anyone realize that God can do anything when He can cause a boy to see without an eyeball. I cannot explain it, nor would I attempt to explain it; only God knows how it was done and how it continues to be done. We are told in Luke 1: 37: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.
So many people, and some of them are Full-Gospel people, have tried to reason out this miracle. We are reminded many times of the scripture in the ninth
chapter of John where Jesus healed the man who had been blind from birth. The rulers didn’t believe that the man had really been blind so they called his parents and were assured that the man had been born blind. Then they called the man himself and tried to get him to doubt his own healing but he answered them: “One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.” So, like the man born blind, we just rest in God. I know that Ronald can see and I won’t waste any time worrying naturally about how he does it. We just accept it and say “Thank you, Jesus.”

“My grace is sufficient for thee” II Cor. 12:9
I am sure that you who have not heard Ronald’s testimony are interested in knowing the details of how he lost his eye so 1 will endeavor to give them in this book, as well as a sketch of his life and a testimony of this outstanding miracle.
Roscoe Ronald Jesse Coyne was born July 15,1943, at Chouteau, Oklahoma, thirty miles north of Mus­kogee and thirty-eight miles east of Tulsa. It was during World War II and Chouteau was a boom- town. His father, R. R. Coyne, was a Jordan Engine Operator at the Du Pont Powder Plant and Ronald was the third child of four.
I always thought that Ronald’s eyes were beauti­ful because they were so brown and reminded me so much of my father’s eyes. My father was Jesse L. Boatright of Wagner, Oklahoma, and he passed away when Ronald was just nine months old so Ron­ald was such a comfort to me. When he lost his eye the thought came to me that perhaps I had thought too much along that line, for God has a reason for everything that happens. I searched my heart in this matter and I was aware that the scriptures tell us in Romans 8:28 that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”
When Ronald was three years of age his brother Donald was born and I was afflicted with severe heart trouble. For six or seven years my health was bad and we went from doctor to doctor but nothing seemed to do any good. The enemy used every trick that he could to overcome me and to kill me and until we started out to work for the Lord, by testifying of the Miracle God has worked in Ronald’s life, Ronald could not remember his mother ever being a well woman.
Several times I had heart attacks and I can re­member many times after having these attacks of saying to Roy, my husband, “Now Roy, if anything happens to me be sure and love Ronald a lot.” He has always been so affectionate and in the years be­fore. he was old enough to start to school he would love me, pat me with his little hands, and say, “Moth­er, you’ll be alright.”
Many days when just he, Donald, and I were at home I couldn’t raise my head off the pillow without a heart attack. He would say to me, “Mother, if you want to sleep and rest I will watch Nubby.” Nubby was the name that we had for Donald the youngest son. He was always a loving child and I remember the last year he was at home, before starting to school at the age of five, he pumped the water and kept us in fresh water to drink.
We couldn’t afford to hire a girl all the time to do the housework and my husband had to work as he had a trucking business and there were six in the family. Our doctor bills and our hospital bills were taking more than he made so we spent our sav­ings. God allowed us to have financial reverses but we are reminded in II Corinthians 12:9 that “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” Jesus didn’t promise us a life of ease but He said that He would go with us all the way and that we would be tried as by fire. In, these times of fiery trial it is good to know that we have “a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24.
It seemed that the devil was trying to hinder in every way that he could and, too, my husband didn’t think that we could afford to tithe as it took so much to pay the doctors and the hospitals. Finan­cially we went down, down, and down until when God gave Ronald this miracle we were lower in fin­ance than we had ever been but still we trusted the Lord. Folks, you cannot afford not to tithe, it’s scriptural.

“Not my will but thine, be done” Luke 22:42
In May, 1950, we moved to Sapulpa, Oklahoma, (20 miles southwest of Tulsa) and bought a little place out on S. Water Street. It was here in August, 1950, that Ronald and Donald decided between them­selves to run away from home.
The weather was hot so I put them to bed about 1:80 in the afternoon to take a nap. Then I decided to get some rest, too. In a little while I was aroused by hearing Ronald crying down the street a short dis­tance and in a moment Donald came leading him into the house. They said that he had stuck a wire into his eye but I didn’t let it excite me because I thought they were just trying to get me upset. I really thought they were telling me that so they wouldn’t get a whipping for being out of bed.
Ronald continued to cry and didn’t sleep all that afternoon so about dusk I called him to me and I noticed there was a white spot on his eyeball. We took him to an eye specialist there in Sapulpa but the doctor was old and not very patient so we went on to one of the best eye specialists in Tulsa, Dr. Otis Lee, at the Springer Clinic. Right away he said, “Folks, this is an emergency!” and immediately we entered Ronald at St. John’s Hospital.
I stayed with him night and day for a week. I had him annointed and prayed for and I prayed my­self for God to do something’ so that the eye wouldn’t have to be removed, but you cannot tell God what to do. We’ve got to get the same spirit that Jesus had when He said in Gethsemane, “Not my will but thine be done.” I was limiting God’s power by trying to figure a way out but there is no limit to what God can do.
On Friday of the second week I stayed at home as a punishment for Ronald because when I’would start for home at night from the hospital he would follow me down the hall and cry to go home, too. The nurses would just have to manhandle him.
That Friday morning, while I was at home, I re­ceived a call from Tulsa and the doctor had bad news for me. I couldn’t understand all the medical terms he was using but I told him that if he meant he would have to take out the eye I wouldn’t consent to it. He told me that he was the doctor, there was nothing to worry about, and just to leave it up to him but I still said, “No!” I didn’t want the eye removed. He didn’t argue with me; I guess he could see that it would be of no avail, but he told me to come over the next day, which was Saturday, and he would explain the situation to my husband and me.
I went back that afternoon, Friday, and they let me go into Ronald’s room. He was asleep and I looked into his eye. It was cloudy, lifeless, and I knew the sight was gone. I got nervous, so nerv­ous that I couldn’t stay at the hospital, and I called a friend of mine and told her I wanted her to take me to her house until my husband came from work.
I went to her house, and I told her about the doctor calling me. I described how the eye looked and told her I was worried about Ronald. She asked, “He isn’t worse, is he?” I replied, “No, but he’s not any better either and he has been in the hospital long enough to be healed.” Of course she tried to comfort me with words but I guess my mother’s intuition, or maybe it was God, told me things weren’t so good. I believe now that God was trying to get me ready for the shock.
On Saturday morning my husband and I both went to the hospital and signed for surgery. I thought the doctor was going to correct the eye from weeping; he had told me this could be stopped, or else they were going to surgery for an­other penicillin shot. They had put two shots of penicillin right into the eyeball the week before try­ing to kill infection, trying every way in the world to save the eye.
They stayed and stayed in surgery and I began to be uneasy but after about an hour and a half a nurse came to me and told me the eyeball had to be removed. An abcess had formed and there was no way to drain it. I was warned that he might lose his other eye, that he might contact meningitis, or that he might even lose his life. I told them “No” two or three times and I was certainly upset. I point­ed my finger at the doctor and said, “Don’t take it out!” then I walked away from surgery. My husband followed me and tried to get my consent but I wouldn’t give it. I knew if they would leave the eyeball in there it would get well. Even then, without knowing it, I was limiting God’s power. I had had Ronald annointed and prayed for according to James 5:14, 15 and I was holding to that scripture, not knowing what God really had in His plan.
Finally my husband gave his consent and that was all that was necessary for the operation. Immediately I began to question God. I went to the ladies lounge and searched my heart to find an answer. I began to talk to God: “what has Ronald done, or what have I done, that he should have to go through life with just one eye?” Again and again I asked God these questions. When you see your own child’s eye re­moved it is really hard to bear. He was only seven years old!
You always think of these things happening to the other person but when it happens to you, be­lieve me, it is plenty hard. In such a time it is good to remember the scripture in I Corinthians 10:12: “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” The enemy was after me and for about two or three minutes how he did try me! He spoke so plainly: “Look what kind of a God you are serving! You have served Him for a good many years, you have stuck by Him, and now look at Ron­ald, how he has suffered and him so young! What kind of God would allow that eye to be taken out? You have had him annointed, you have prayed day and night, now God has left you!”
I began to think: “when Ronald is out of here I am going to take him to the movies, I am going to let him see everything, even though it is worldly, for his other eye may go out but he will at least get to
see a few things before he is totally blind!” See how the devil was trying me? He made a great attempt to get me to live for him but that was only for a while.
I called the pastor at Oakhurst, Brother Herschel Brummett, the one who had prayed for Ronald. I told him Ronald was in surgery and they were re­moving the eye. He was shocked but he said to me, “Sister Coyne, don’t question God.” I know that he began to pray, for as we went to Ronald’s room the Spirit of the Lord hovered over us.
They rolled Ronald in but he was under the in­fluence of anesthetics most of the day and that was the saddest day of our lives. Everyone was so nice. There were cards, flowers, and gifts for Ronald and friends were so good to us but we didn’t adjust too well.

“A little child shall lead them” Isa. 11:6
After the operation Ronald began to get stronger and in about four days he was permitted to come home. He was thin and wan but was a very happy little boy to be back home again. I told my neighbor that I hadn’t told him yet that his eye had been removed. She reminded me that he would have to know it sometime and I said, “Yes, but he has been so sick that I just can’t tell him,” but I decided to tell him that night.
I began by saying, “Ronald, you are really glad to be home, aren’t you?” “Yes,” he replied, “I’m glad to get out of that old jail!” I continued, “Well, Ron­ald, the only way you could come home was to have your eye taken out because you couldn’t get well until it was removed.” “Oh, is my eye out?” he asked, and that is about all he said.
For ten months he was blinded where that right eye had been, for any doctor will tell you that after the eyeball has been removed there can be no sight. Medical science has never recorded anyone seeing af­ter the eye is gone. During those ten months Ronald didn’t say much but he was meloncholy. He realized he was handicapped and not like the other little boys. He wasn’t very happy anymore, but was moody.
Around June first he went to the Daily Vacation Bible School but about two weeks before that, when we laid down one night, he said to me, “Mother, do you think Jesus will come tonight?” I -was startled by the question and I said, “I don’t know! Why?” He asked me then, “If Jesus comes tonight will I be ready?” I thought he was too young to be think­ing about such things and I replied, “Well honey, Mother will take care of that.”
He didn’t seem to be satisfied with my answer and he said, “Well, Mother, I think I ought to get saved.” I told him that sometime when he was at church he could get saved but I knew God was trying to save him then and was speaking to his heart. God was trying to get him ready for this miracle and God knew I had become resigned to Ronald’s be­ing handicapped and going through life blind in one eye. I was doing the human thing—I was limit­ing God.
Ronald had been to Sunday School, and church all his life and had never missed, so you can see that a child of seven can be saved if he is taught the right way. I have had neighbors, older people, sixty and seventy years old, who have tried to get saved and couldn’t because they don’t understand. They have lived for the devil these years and such experiences in my personal work have convinced me more and more of the value of childhood conversions.
Ronald went to the Vacation Bible School and one day he came home with a big smile on his face. He was happier than I had ever seen him during the past ten months and he said, “Do you know what happened today, Mother?” I answered, “No, but I think I do!” “Mother, I got saved!” I know that he was saved, which is the greatest miracle. I knew that he knew what he was doing and I know it was his faith that eventually brought about this miracle. Oh, if we could have the faith of a little child! In Isaiah 11:6 we are told “a little child shall lead them.”


“But ye are… a peculiar people” I Peter 2:9
About two weeks after Ronald was saved, in June, 1951, we began attending a Salvation Healing Cru­sade in the Junior High School auditorium at Sapul- pa, Oklahoma. This campaign was conducted by a lady evangelist, Sis. Daisy Gillock; she and her husband now pastor the Hiway Temple Assembly of God Church in Odessa, Texas. This crusade was sponsored by our home church, the First Assembly of God where Rev. Lonnie Osborn was the pastor. The revival was to be city-wide so as many people as possible could be reached with the Gospel.
There was a large fan on either side of the audi­torium and Ronald took a cold which settled in his tonsils. We had been told by the doctor, when Ronald was in the hospital, that there was infection some­where in his body and it had been the cause of the abcess forming in his injured eye. In order to guard against the loss of the other eye I said to Ronald, “Why don’t you go up and be prayed for, then you won’t have to go to the hospital and have your tonsils removed.” That suited him fine because the hospital was like jail to him since he couldn’t go home when he wanted to each night.
He went through the healing line to have his ton­sils prayed for but after praying for him the lady evangelist asked him what was wrong with his eye. He told her he was blind and she asked him if he believed the Lord could heal his eye. He told her he did believe the Lord could. She didn’t know that his real eyeball had been removed and the one she saw was just a plastic eye, so she commanded the blinded eye to see in the name of Jesus. God heard that prayer of faith!
Ronald began to see objects. First he could see steps, then the microphone, and then he could count fingers. Now I was doing alright when she was pray­ing for his tonsils but when she began to pray for the eye I froze. She, (Sister Gillock) had all the saints who believed in prayer to come down front before the healing line started. She realized there was a lot of unbelief and skepticism in the build­ing and she knew, as all preachers know, that the answers to their prayers had to come from Heav­en. We were all down front, standing near the plat­form, praying. My daughter, Carol, and I, both tried to tell Sister Gillock that Ronald had a plastic eye but the power of God was so strong that I had to either sit down or fall. God didn’t intend for me to tell that it was a plastic eye. I finally sat down.
You know, when we get to Heaven we will really have to have a new body because this old body just can’t stand the presence of God. I finally got it said, in a low voice, after he had already begun to see, “He can’t possibly see; it’s a plastic eye!” A lady overheard me and asked, “Is that a plastic eye?” I answered, “Yes”, and when I did she said, “Well, he can see!” And he COULD see!
Everyone was really happy but me, his mother; I was petrified! Carol asked me, “Are you going to my husband was asleep beside me as I heard him mumble a bit. I knew that someone was standing by my bed and I thought, “Now if this is Jesus He will have nail prints in His hand.” My hands are large but His were larger and I placed my thumb into the palm of His hand. I could feel the scar then, about one half as big as the first joint of my thumb.
I was frightened but I said, “Yes, Lord?” He replied, “Go and tell the people.” I tried to tell the Lord about all the work T had to do with six in the family. I said, “Lord, you know I never get through with my work. You know how my heart bothers me.” You know this and you know that! Of course God knew all about me without my telling Him.
The next night He visited me again and this time I got out of bed, so as not to disturb my husband, and I went to the living room. I began to pray and I asked God, “How can I go? You know the situa­tion.” He was persistent and again He said, “Go and tell the people.” He also promised me that He would go with me all the way and anywhere we might go. In fact, He left us that promise in Matthew 28:20: “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” I know He goes ahead of us all the time and makes a way.
The next morning I asked my husband if he thought I could preach. He said, “Well, you’ve taught Sunday School classes and you’re a pretty good speaker.” I thought then that it was preaching the Lord wanted me to do. I told him, “The Lord Jesus Christ was here last night again and He wants me to preach, or maybe He wants me to testi­fy to the people about Ronald.”
“But how can I?” I asked, “Just look! I never get through anymore with my work here.” He agreed with me, “That’s right, but I believe you can go.” For so many years we just had the one girl, then the three boys were born and it made a lot of work. Since I was ill I was behind most of the time with my housework.
The third night Jesus came again and once more commanded me, “Go and tell the people.” I was beginning to want some sleep so I said, “Lord, I’ll go!” After these visits from the Lord I began to pray and doors began to open for us. Since that time we have traveled constantly testifying in churches, auditoriums and tents all over the world. I traveled with Ronald giving the testimony until he began to travel by himself. Then later on the Lord dealt with Ronald concerning carrying this miracle and testimony around the world and overseas, as you will read later in this book.

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